茨城県産 しきゆたか/ Pre-Order From Ibaraki, Shikiyutaka Ris

茨城県産 しきゆたか/ Pre-Order From Ibaraki, Shikiyutaka Ris

販売価格  Price: SEK230.00 - SEK496.00(tax included)

Prices vary according to options.

商品詳細 Product Description





四季豊は甘みが強く程よい粘り気のある もちもちの食感が特長です。

About Shikiyutaka Rice

Shikiyutaka originates from Inashiki City, Ibaraki Prefecture, a place located between Lake Kasumigaura and the Tone River.
This area has rich soil and abundant water sources making it an ideal location for high quality rice cultivation. Shikiyutaka is a relatively new type of rice, which originates rom the most popular type of rice Koshihikari. It is a new ‘improved’ version of the most popular rice Koshihikari with slightly different more chewy texture.

Taste and Characteristics Shikiyutaka is a very sticky rice, characterized by its strong natural sweetness and chewy texture with the
right amount of stickiness. The grains of this type of rice are large and very filling. The rice does not get hard even when it becomes cold.

Compared to other types of Japanese rice, this rice has a strong sweetness, chewy texture, and larger grains making it a very good-tasting rice. When it becomes cold, it does not harden and remains soft and delicious.

Best dishes that go well with ShikiyutakaThis rice is very sticky, a chewy, resembling mochi. It is ideal for onigiri and can be eaten on its own, ideally with separately prepared dishes like sashimi or yakiniku or any kind of vegetables and tsukemono Japanese pickles.
It retains its texture well so it is also good for donburi a Japanese rice bowl.
Because it retains amazing taste and softness even once it is completely cold, it is perfect for onigiri and obento boxes.